Building Analytics Components with Terraform with Cory Syvenky

Join Cory Syvenky as he discusses how to use Terraform to construct components for data analytics during the June 2 Calgary Azure Analytics User Group.

Join Cory as he takes you through using Terraform to build components for data analytics.

Building a reliable data analytics platform in Azure is critical in this big data era. In this session, we will walk through the creation of some data analytics platform components using Infrastructure as Code. IaC allows for the creation of reproducible environments via a declarative scripting language. We will use the open-source Terraform product to set ourselves up for DevOps automation. You do not have to be a programmer to participate, although you should not be afraid of looking at code either.

This video was recorded during the Calgary Azure Analytics User Group on June 2, 2020. For analytics consulting, contact us.

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Music by BenSound.

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