Data Analytics Solutions

Our Experts Can Deliver the Following Solutions

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Azure Data Warehouse

A modern data warehouse enables organizations to leverage data from all different sources into a central source of truth. Properly designed architecture supplies clean data resulting in increased efficiencies and scalability.

Our diverse background allows us to understand your unique business needs and create a tailored data warehouse to organize dispersed data, providing clean collection, storage and analysis.

With a complete modern data warehouse design and build process, we:

  • Establish a data foundation to support decision making
  • Recommend the right data architecture for your business
  • On-premise to cloud transition management
  • Data Policy Creation and Governance Implementation
  • Implement a modern data warehouse using Microsoft Azure
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Power BI Data Modelling
& Reporting

Power BI Dashboards take your data to innovative and practical heights. Power BI is a flexible tool that allows you to analyze and interact with your data in ways you never had before.


Our Power BI experts understand how to model your data so that the analysis is reliable and you can focus on bettering your business with data.


Through this offering we provide:

  • An optimized data model & Certified Data Sets
  • Interactive Reports with custom visualizations
  • Power BI Templates for self-service reporting
  • Securely publish and share the report with your users
  • Power BI Licensing Recommendations
  • Access to the full knowledge of our experts

Connecting You to Your Data

With over 12,000 project hours and our diverse business intelligence background, we have the know-how to get value from your data. 

We help by providing people, processes, and expert analytics knowledge to augment your team and implement bespoke data analytics solutions that incorporate data-driven insights into your day-to-day business processes.

Whether you are facing challenges with data architecture, data governance, or reporting, we can deliver a clear understanding of your organization’s story with tailored data analytic solutions.

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